Messages from Diverse Sources
Wednesday, July 24, 2024
Believe in God, Praise Him, Exalt Him, Worship Him
Message of the Saint Charbel to Mario D'Ignazio in Brindisi, Italy on July 23, 2024

I am here, it is I, Saint Charbel. Pray to Me, I will help you and heal. I heal the physically and spiritually ill.
"If you had faith as much as a mustard seed..." But you always have doubts, many doubts. This does not benefit you but hinders you from growing, maturing and working miracles. Those who really believe can do much.
Believe in God, praise Him, exalt Him, worship Him.
My brethren, always pray and adore the Cross. Feed yourselves on the Living Gospel.
Conversion is long, painful, made up of ruinous falls, but also of returns to the CREATOR FATHER. So do not judge those who sin, but pray for them.
You are in the month of the Divine Blood. Pray to Him thus:
Prayer to the Divine Blood
O Divine Blood of my Glorious King, pour out upon me and heal me of every trauma and wound of the past.
Wash me from my sins, purify me. Make me understand my errors so as to remedy them.
Blood of the Living One, descend upon my loved ones, cleanse them from all guilt, sanctify them.
Be my support, enlighten me Thou. Give me life Thou, Sap of Love. Praise Thou, Blood of my Eternal King.